Do I Deserve My Promotion?

Dear J.T. & Dale: While working at a previous job, becoming brain-dead from boredom, I was hired away by a client to take a new position they were creating. Now, a year later, I feel like things are just beyond my reach of ability. One of my bosses seems happy with my work, but the other is putting pressure because I’m not moving fast enough. I’ve heard the term “over-promotion” and think it might apply. Suggestions? — Shanna

Dale: Your question prompted a mental picture of a Career Pressure Gauge, going from Boredom at one extreme to Terror at the other. The sweet spot at the top of the gauge would be where you are challenged but confident — let’s label that spot Exhilaration.

J.T.: Said another way, there is some desirable level of pressure. But the pressure you’re describing, Shanna, doesn’t come from being “over-promoted,” but from being “under-coached.”

Dale: Quite possibly true, but there’s nothing to be gained by blaming the bosses. It’s a new job for them, too, and nobody has gotten around to setting the rules of the game. It’s like playing basketball without the basket — there is always going to be some doubt about the score.

J.T.: Exactly. That’s why this is the perfect time to sit down with your bosses and give them your self-review. See if you can pull together a neat presentation that lists the goals you had when you started and the challenges you’ve faced in achieving them; then set out new goals, along with a list of questions you need answered, and resources you’ll need to achieve those goals. This will get you and your bosses on the same page.

Dale: And being on that same page will reduce your uncertainty and self-doubt while getting your career headed toward the point of exhilaration — that’s where you know you’re making progress, know your bosses know it, and the only uncertainty is how terrific you can make the job.

2 Responses

  1. Amy Wood Says:

    I love the word “exhilaration” here. That’s the sweet spot I am in these days. Perfect description!

  2. Tracy Says:

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