What Makes An Expert?

jtdale-closeup-color.pngDear J.T. & Dale: I wrote to you previously seeking advice on a career change. Your reply appeared recently and while I thank you, I’m still not sure how I can make my dream a reality. I have no credentials as far as coaching. In order for me to do as you suggest and start an evening program, would I not need some kind of documentation? – Emmit Dale: Emmit wrote to us that he’s burned-out in his current career, but, thanks to volunteer work, has discovered a passion for teaching baseball. We suggested he begin by giving lessons for a fee, while exploring ways to evolve a new career.

 J.T.: This isn’t a case, Emmit, where credentials come in the form of a degree or certification. Focus on your accomplishments while working as a volunteer. What quantifiable results have you seen from your efforts? This is what you want to showcase. You should reach out to parents and share with them your desire to do this kind of work. Mention that you were toying with the idea of doing an after-school program, and solicit input and ideas.

 Dale: Your question made me think about the credentials of the man who gives my sons and me tennis lessons. I have no idea what they are. I saw him on the court, giving a lesson, and gave him a try. That was five years ago. Throughout those years, dozens of people have seen us having a good time and stopped to ask him about lessons. The important principle here is there are two ways to get into business: the right way and the better way. The right way is to get a degree in the field, take business classes, write a business plan, get financing and then open up. The better way is to get a customer. A customer is your credential. Find one parent who’s willing to pay you to coach one kid, and you’re in business.

Then, as you get more students, you’ll develop the knowledge and credibility you’ll need for the next step in your career evolution. What’s that next step? You won’t know until you take the first one. You might meet someone who’ll finance a training center, or get a job scouting or coaching. The point is that you start. By starting, you put yourself in a position for something wonderful to happen.

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