Younger Generations Fair Better In A Recession?

answer-the-salary-question.jpgPenelope Trunk, who writes the blog Brazen Careerist, wrote a post today called: A Recession Probably Won’t Affect Your Job Market.

The ‘Your’ in the title refers to Gen Y and Gen X employees. Trunk says, “There is a lot of hoop-la over the recession. Or coming recession. Or statistical but maybe-not-really recession. But the truth is that the job market is just fine, especially for the post-Baby-Boomer set.”

So the question is: Do older workers suffer more in a recession? The comments posted on Trunk’s blog would indicate so.

I think that in spite of an impending recession, there will always be a ‘talent’ shortage. As many of the commenters suggest, I firmly believe those who keep their skills up-to-date and brand themselves properly will always be employable.

Whether you are a seasoned workplace veteran or a new professional, how do you plan to keep yourself employable during an economic downturn?

3 Responses

  1. gl hoffman Says:

    I think this generation topic is very interesting, esp to me as a baby boomer. I realized that most gen x’ers and y-ers, have no clue how we got to where we are, as baby boomers. And then I wondered what their own earth shatteringmoments would be if they could tivo ahead til they were 55.

  2. astrideknighted Says:

    A very interesting point. It’s said that perception is reality so, using any perception to reduce operating costs by hiring younger less experienced workers makes sense in the short term. I believe that it will come back to haunt you in the long term via the lack of problem solving experience.

  3. floyd Says:

    kilowatts@situations.avoid” rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview (’/outbound/’);”>.…

    good info….

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